C-Section Awareness - Before Labor & Delivery
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For many years, about 1 in 3 babies born in the US have been delivered via C-Section (some variance by state and hospital). Because it’s so common, you might think it’s “no big...
Spring Cleaning: Baby & New Mom Gear
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Around this time of year, I (like many) get the urge to purge, clean, and generally rotate into spring/summer gear. This year, I am practically giddy with anticipation for the day I have the...
8 Questions to Ask Before Day 1 of Daycare
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I'm returning to work - What should I ask before bringing my baby to daycare?
Here are our top questions to ask before day 1 to have a solid set of shared expectations with your childcare...
Childcare - Making the Best Choice for Your Family
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What’s the best childcare out there?
The best is what will work best for you and your family. The best is personal. Families are different.
And the best now may not be the best in 6...
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