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Continuing your Breastfeeding Journey after Maternity Leave

Natural doesn’t mean easy!

Despite the benefits of breastfeeding for both moms and babies, 60% of U.S. women don't meet their own breastfeeding goals. And half of new moms worry...

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3 Strategies to Continue Breastfeeding at Work

Despite strong recommendations from the World Health Organization, AAP, ACOG, CDC, and Susan down the hall who thought about going to medical school when she was a kid, breastfeeding is...

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Make Newborn Life Easier: Hire a Postpartum Doula

That was dumb.

I think we all have moments that we look back on and think “why didn’t I xyz?”

One of mine? Not hiring a postpartum doula when I had my second baby. My first was...

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Pumped about the PUMP act

Celebrating wins for working moms

The Basic Info: 

2 Acts were recently signed into law: 

  1. Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: In alignment with the ADA, employers are required to provide...
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