Career focused moms-to-be.


Parents wanting to do parental leave differently this time.


New parents trying to ease the transition back to work.

You've Come to the Right Place.

Welcome to Popins Professional Parent Series.

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You feel what you feel, and those feelings are real. 

Extended time away from your job to have a baby, physically recover, and focus on becoming a new version of your family brings on big feelings.

Along with excited anticipation, many expecting parents worry - about how work will be covered, how colleagues will perceive their leave, or how they’ll ever catch up. 

Our 3 Part Series is Here to Help

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For Employers

Part 1: Preparing for Your Parental Leave 

Want to feel bored at work before baby arrives? 

We'll get you set to confidently focus on your family during your maternity or paternity leave, with guidance along an intentional path to transition your work before your expected due date. 

Part 2: Preparing to Go Back to Work

Looking to feel calm + organized (about work + your family) as you transition back into work? 

We'll help you prepare at home (for yourself + as a parent team) over the 2-3 weeks before you return to work

Part 3: Back at Work Check-In

Reality can be rough.

We'll check in with you to address top challenges from the first weeks back, and help you strategize ways to improve tricky areas across home + work. 

jackie holding newborn

Take a Breath. 

With intentional preparation + communication, you can confidently focus on your family during your family leave + navigate a balanced return to work that works for you, your family, and your employer.

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Recent Support on the Blog

Continuing your Breastfeeding Journey after Maternity Leave

Jun 21, 2024

Common Childcare Challenges & How to Avoid Them

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On the Run: Exercise after Baby

Apr 08, 2024